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Architecture and Implementation of an Associative Memory Using Sparse Clustered Networks

H. Jarollahi, N. Onizawa, V. Gripon and W. J. Gross, "Architecture and Implementation of an Associative Memory Using Sparse Clustered Networks," in Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 2901--2904, May 2012.

Associative memories are alternatives to indexed memories that when implemented in hardware can benefit many applications such as data mining. The classical neural network based methodology is impractical to implement since in order to increase the size of the memory, the number of information bits stored per memory bit (efficiency) approaches zero. In addition, the length of a message to be stored and retrieved needs to be the same size as the number of nodes in the network causing the total number of messages the network is capable of storing (diversity) to be limited. Recently, a novel algorithm based on sparse clustered neural networks has been proposed that achieves nearly optimal efficiency and large diversity. In this paper, a proof-of-concept hardware implementation of these networks is presented. The limitations and possible future research areas are discussed.

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  author = {Hooman Jarollahi and Naoya Onizawa and
Vincent Gripon and Warren J. Gross},
  title = {Architecture and Implementation of an
Associative Memory Using Sparse Clustered Networks},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE International
Symposium on Circuits and Systems},
  year = {2012},
  pages = {2901--2904},
  month = {May},

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