Site de Vincent Gripon

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Twin Neurons for Efficient Real-World Data Distribution in Networks of Neural Cliques. Applications in Power Management in Electronic circuits

B. Boguslawski, V. Gripon, F. Seguin et F. Heitzmann, "Twin Neurons for Efficient Real-World Data Distribution in Networks of Neural Cliques. Applications in Power Management in Electronic circuits," dans IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, Volume 27, Number 2, pp. 375--387, 2016.

Associative memories are datastructures that allow retrieval of previously stored messages given part of their content. They thus behave similarly to human brain’s memory that is capable, for instance, of retrieving the end of a song given its beginning. Among different families of associative memories, sparse ones are known to provide the best efficiency (ratio of the number of bits stored to that of bits used). Recently, a new family of sparse associative memories achieving almost-optimal efficiency has been proposed. Their structure induces a direct mapping between input messages and stored patterns. Nevertheless, it is well known that non-uniformity of the stored messages can lead to dramatic decrease in performance. In this work, we show the impact of non-uniformity on the performance of this recent model and we exploit the structure of the model to improve its performance in practical applications where data is not necessarily uniform. In order to approach the performance of networks with uniformly distributed messages presented in theoretical studies, twin neurons are introduced. To assess the adapted model, twin neurons are used with real-world data to optimize power consumption of electronic circuits in practical test-cases.

Télécharger le manuscrit.

  author = {Bartosz Boguslawski and Vincent Gripon and
Fabrice Seguin and Frédéric Heitzmann},
  title = {Twin Neurons for Efficient Real-World Data
Distribution in Networks of Neural Cliques.
Applications in Power Management in Electronic
  journal = {IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and
Learning Systems},
  year = {2016},
  volume = {27},
  number = {2},
  pages = {375--387},

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