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A Non-Volatile Associative Memory-Based Context-Driven Search Engine Using 90 nm CMOS MTJ-Hybrid Logic-in-Memory Architecture

H. Jarollahi, N. Onizawa, V. Gripon, N. Sakimura, T. Sugibayashi, T. Endoh, H. Ohno, T. Hanyu and W. J. Gross, "A Non-Volatile Associative Memory-Based Context-Driven Search Engine Using 90 nm CMOS MTJ-Hybrid Logic-in-Memory Architecture," in Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, Volume 4, pp. 460--474, 2014.

This paper presents algorithm, architecture, and fabrication results of a nonvolatile context-driven search engine that reduces energy consumption as well as computational delay compared to classical hardware and software-based approaches. The proposed architecture stores only associations between items from multiple search fields in the form of binary links, and merges repeated field items to reduce the memory requirements and ac- cesses. The fabricated chip achievesmemory reduction and 89% energy saving compared to a classical field-based approach in hardware, based on content-addressable memory (CAM). Furthermore, it achievesreduced number of clock cycles in performing search operations compared to the CAM, and five or- ders of magnitude reduced number of clock cycles compared to a fabricated and measured ultra low-power CPU-based counterpart running a classical search algorithm in software. The energy con- sumption of the proposed architecture is on average three orders of magnitude smaller than that of a software-based approach. A magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ)-based logic-in-memory architec- ture is presented that allows simple routing and eliminates leakage current in standby using 90 nm CMOS/MTJ-hybrid technologies.

Download manuscript.

  author = {Hooman Jarollahi and Naoya Onizawa and
Vincent Gripon and Noboru Sakimura and Tadahiko
Sugibayashi and Tetsuo Endoh and Hideo Ohno and
Takahiro Hanyu and Warren J. Gross},
  title = {A Non-Volatile Associative Memory-Based
Context-Driven Search Engine Using 90 nm CMOS
MTJ-Hybrid Logic-in-Memory Architecture},
  journal = {Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics
in Circuits and Systems},
  year = {2014},
  volume = {4},
  pages = {460--474},

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